Thursday, May 8, 2014

We're back!

After an absence of a year and a half, this blog is back in business, and with a name change to boot. What was once "The Barbaric Bs of Schlocky Creek" (my homage to the Z-grade schlocker The Barbaric Beast of Boggy Creek) is now the simpler Schlock to the System.

As before, this blog will be all about reviews of schlocky, B-grade movies that I watch. But one change I'm making is to give each month a theme. I'll continue to watch a range of movies throughout the month, but a certain number of the titles I watch and review will be attached to a theme.

First up is "May-de to be Mocked" - May is all about Mockbusters, those z-grade movies designed entirely to cash in on bigger-budget blockbusters. These days that mantle is upheld by companies like Asylum, and I'll be reviewing a good few of their offerings, along with older mockbusters by the likes of Bruno Mattei.

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